FCMF was pleased to host Dr. Marco Menegozzo, Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez over summer 2022. Marco was a visiting faculty scholar under the ORAU program with ORNL. His work was integrated across ORNL and UT and focused on additive manufacturing and damage tolerance of innovative sandwich composites. The work has applications in next-generation aerospace structures. While at FCMF he worked closely with Dr. Romeo Fono-Tamo, Ryan Ogle, Ryan Spencer, Pritesh Yeole, George Chahine and the entire FCMF team. We appreciate the continued collaboration and thanks for Marco’s time with us.
Fibers and Composites Manufacturing Facility Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Ahmed Hassen named Group Leader for Composites Innovation@ORNL
Congratulations to Dr. Ahmed Hassen for being selected group leader for Composites Innovation Technologies at ORNL. Ahmed is a long-standing collaborator of FCMF and this is great recognition of his hard work and dedication to the field of composites. His team will continue to work in close collaboration with our students and staff and exemplify the connected ecosystem between ORNL and UT. Congratulations Ahmed, we are proud of you!
ORNL Composites Section visits FCMF October 03, 2022
FCMF had the honor of a visit from the entire ORNL Composites Section comprising (a) Fiber Science, (b) Composites Innovation, (c) Sustainability & Circular Econmoy and (d) Extreme Environments groups. These groups comprise outstanding researchers with global reputation in the field of advanced materials and manufacturing. FCMF students have the honor and privilege of meeting and interacting with these colleagues on daily basis, enriching their work and fostering collaboration. Thanks to the ORNL team for taking time to visit FCMF.
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm meets our students
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm visited IACMI-The Composites Institute at the Clean Energy conference in Pittsburg Sep 21-23, 2022. Our own Akash Phadatare and Andrew Patchen had an opportunity to meet her and talk about their technologies. What an incredible honor! Congrats to all!
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm meeting with Akash Phadatare, Andrew Patchen and IACMI personnel
FCMF students make big impact at the SPE ACCE
The Society for Plastics Engineers (SPE) Automotive Composites Conference and Exposition (ACCE) is North America’s largest show in Automotive Composites. This event brings major OEMs, Tiers, material suppliers, academia and international partners to a common forum to learn and exchange ideas on next generation technologies. Continue reading
Sanjita Wasti, PhD student wins big at SPE ACCE, Sep 07-09, 2022
Congratulations to Sanjita Wasti, 2nd year PhD student with FCMF for winning two prestigious awards at the Society for Plastics Engineers (SPE) Automotive Composites Conference & Exposition, Se 07-09, 2022 at Novi Michigan. Continue reading
ACEnet workshop July 25-29, 2022
We are grateful for the support from DoD IBAS ACE (America’s Cutting Edge) program and #IACMI-The Composites Institute for unique advanced manufacturing. machining and machine tools experience for our next generation work force.
Proud of our team for a very engaging ACE Composites boot camp held July 25-29, 2022 at the Fibers and Composites Manufacturing Facility (FCMF) at University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Continue reading
Ryan Spencer wins travel award
Congratulations to Ryan Spencer for winning the Graduate Student Senate Travel Award. His award will cover travel to Long Beach to present two papers at the SPIE Conference, Long Beach, CA week of March 07th. Congrats Ryan.
UTK Filament Tower Receives National Composites Award
Collaboration with UT FCMF students and College of Architecture continues to drive innovation in unique ways. Alex Stiles, PhD student at FCMF in collaboration with Dr. Marshall Prado (Architecture) designed and constructed a fiber-composite tower, The team used ingenuity, skill and a nine-axis robot at the Fab Lab (College of Architecture) and was recognized with a national Award for Composites Excellence (ACE) from the American Composites Manufacturing Association (ACMA).
Read more by clicking the link below:-
ACE (America’s Cutting Edge) – Composites Machining & Machine Tools
The Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Industrial Policy (IndPol) is enabling work in machine tools technology development for America’s Cutting Edge (ACE). This DoD-led initiative, funded through the Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) Program, aims to revitalize the U.S. machine tool sector through transformative thinking, technology, and training. ACE has partnered with the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI), and University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UT) to deliver machining workforce training. As part of ACE, the FCMF has set up a HAAS VM-3 and Kuka robot machining centers to train and connduct research in composites machining and machine tools. In Summer 2021, the first of a series of workshops was offered to a team of 20 undergraduate students. The week long ACE-IACMI training covers – (a) basics of constituent materials – fibers, resins & composites; (b) basics of composites machining, (c) concept part and CAD creation, (d) machining of 2-cavity tool, (d) manufacturing of the composite part via injection or compression molding and (d) post-machining parts and quality inspection / NDE. To learn more or sign up for a workshop, please contact Vanina Ghossein, vghossei@utk.edu