The Fibers and Composites Manufacturing Facility at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
We focus on comprehensive research and development to prototyping of advanced fiber-reinforced plastics and composites. The core competency of the FCMF is in product and process development, characterization, modeling & simulation, and nondestructive evaluation of advanced thermoset and thermoplastic composites.
About 20-30 undergraduate and 15+ graduate students work at the FCMF any given semester. Students from UT, collaborating schools, and community colleges gain experience in composites technologies. The team collaborates with the industry for workforce development, training/education, problem-solving, testing, and product development.
East Tennessee Ecosystem in Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Connectivity
The East Tennessee Ecosystem in Advanced Materials & Manufacturing is one of its kind, uniquely connected across the University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, IACMI-The Composites Institute, and a large network of industry partners.
Recent FCMF News | Student Successes | Awards (click here)
Technology Notables
ACE (America’s Cutting Edge) – Composites Machining and Machine Tools
Virtual Reality Modules and Training for Composites Manufacturing & Energy
Automated Tape Placement (ATP) capability added
Melt spinning of preceramic polymer capability added
Thermoplastic Tapes Reinforced with Textile Grade Carbon Fiber
NSF IUCRC – Composites Hybrid Materials Interfacing (CHM) Center – UT, GaTech & Oakland Univ.
The Future of the Energy Grid is Distributed
UT FCMF Covid19 Response
UT FCMF researchers develop biodegradable filters with Merv 13 rating
Endeavor Composites – A promising startup
FCMF, IACMI, and Team Integrating Composites into the Friendship Bell Park
Composites Part B: Engineering (JComp B) – Impact Factor 11.83
The field of composites has exploded in recent years, with innovative applications emerging every single day across various sectors. Advanced composites are steadily growing in aerospace, marine, automotive, defense, wind, sporting, biomedical, infrastructure, and industrial applications. JComp B has continually aligned with technology trends to bring its readership fresh insights into the science and engineering of advanced composites. We are pleased to report that JComp B has steadily grown in its Impact Factor (IF) rating, attaining an IF11.83 and Cite Score of 18.63 in 2022, the highest amongst advanced composites journals worldwide.
Organization Partners and Industry Network
The Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) is a partnership of industry, universities, and national universities, as well as federal, state, and local governments that are working together to benefit the nation’s energy and economic security.
JEC Composites
With a network of 250,000 professionals, JEC Group is the largest composite organization in the world. It represents, promotes, and helps develop composite markets by providing global and local networking and information services.
The American Composites Manufacturers Association provides a forum for members of the composites industry to come together to develop shared market opportunities and deal with common challenges. It is an unmatched source of up-to-date information about the composites industry.
SPE Composites
SPE Composites promotes and disseminates information on the science, engineering fundamentals, and applications of engineered polymer composites. The Composites Division promotes the benefits of composite materials and reports on the latest in materials, processes, and application developments.
Composites World
Composites World is a business-to-business media brand that produces a monthly print magazine, digital media, research, and live events for the global composites market.
The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering is a global professional member society that provides information and updates on the latest advanced materials and processing technologies.
The University of Tennessee Oak Ridge Innovation Institute (ORII)
The University of Tennessee Oak Ridge Innovation Institute will create a robust talent pipeline in areas of growing national need and demand. As a result, Tennessee will become the “go-to” destination for top-level talent development and discovery.